B-Line Medical Surgical Instruments. Medical Devices. Laparoscopic. Bariatric. Arthroscopic. Trauma hospital. Medical Societies. Medical Degrees. Sterilization for medical devices. Verify sterilization. CSS. HSPA. CRCST. ACS. AMA. NMA. HFM. MD. RN. NP. CSST. AAP. AAPA. AHA. MGMA. IPA. AMGA. ACEP. JACEP. AOA. AMWA. ACOG. AAMC. AMSSM. ACP. CME. MOC. AAVMC. ANA. AACN. ASCLS. CLSI. SIIM. ASCP. AMT. CEO. CFO. COM. Society of surgical oncology. Level one trauma. Level two trauma. Level three trauma. Level four trauma. Level five trauma. Director. Department. Repair service. Replace service. Customer service focused. Supply chain solution. Expedited process. Bottom line. Healthcare. Hospital. Operating room. Central sterile. Facilities manager. Surgeon. Technician. Nurse. Anesthesiologist. Medical staff. Surgical theatre staff. Surgical support team. Materials management. Save $20,000 per day. Save $1 million per year. Never dull. Never down. Experts. Sterilization assurance. Better patient outcomes. Full suite of options. Unmatched repair options. State of the art labs. Labs close to me. In stock. Expedite request. Process efficient. Friendly. White glove service. Top rated. Excellent reputation. Honest. Industry experts. Greening initiatives. Professional. Respectful. Courteous. Educated. Industry knowledge. Institutional knowledge. Subject matter experts. Multiple lab locations. Continental US. International. Black owned. Veteran owned. Conference. America. Local. Revered. Quality. Honesty. Cost cutting. Delivering. Provide. Supply. Fair. Surgery center. Doctors office. Supply chain preferred. Medical Center. Urgent care. Medical arts complex. People in healthcare. Processes. Building. Technology. Managing people. Managing process. Managing paperwork. Understand goals. Benchmarks. Planning. Acting. Developing. Supplying. Distributing. Lower fixed costs. Avoid downtime. Prepare. Central sterile certification. Central service. Infrastructure. Hospital space. Surgical technologist. NMMS. British International Doctors Association. Trauma surgeon. Neurosurgeon. Cardiac Surgeons. Orthopedic surgeon. Radiologist. Trauma resuscitation area. Veterinarian. Veterinary Office. Veterinary Clinic. Combat medicine. Military medical supplies. Team dynamics operating room. University hospitals. Local hospitals. Rural hospitals. Urban hospitals. Institutional knowledge. Preferred supplier.

Our Catalog of Best-in-Class Bariatric Tools and Devices

5x330mm BARIATRIC Instruments

ST1. PPSU Handle. 5x3330mm. Autoclavable. Surgical Instruments. Laparoscopy. Hospital. Central sterile. Biocompatibility.

PPSU Handle
ST1 (134°C 2bar)

ST2. PPSU Handle. Laparoscopy. Surgical Instruments. Autoclavable. Biocompatibility.

PPSU Handle
ST2 (134°C 2bar)

10x330mm BARIATRIC Instruments

10x330mm large L I
10x330mm large L I a

Needle Holder (Head length 430mm)

Needle holder hear L 12mm

Electric Coagulation Instruments 5x330mm

E2011 group
E2011.66 Grpup


Hernia forcep group image b